A) Yes, it like. B) No, you like. C) Yes, I like. D) Don't like E) They don't like.
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Hi My Name İs Caner. I can play football but my friend can't play football. I can't swim but my friend can beautiful swim. I can do handspring but my friend can't do handspring.
14) Aşağıdakilerden hangisi Canerin Yaptıkları etkinliklerdendir?
A) Play football and do hand spring B) Swim and sing a song C) Ride a biycle D) Use computer
A) They are cleaning the house. B) They are decorating the Christmas tree. C) There is a lively parade. D) There are millions of people.
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16) "Hello! My name is Wendy. I am from England. I know two languages, English and Spanish. My favourite lesson is Science." Yukarıdaki paragrafta aşağıdaki sorulardan hangisinin cevabı YOKTUR?
A) How old are you? B) What is your favourite lesson? C) How many languages do you speak? D) where are you from?