A) Helpful and reliable B) Rude and lazy C) Lazy and unkind D) Stingy and shy
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8) Aşağıdakilerden hangisi icat anlamına gelmektedir?
A) invented B) lamp C) blumb D) washing machine
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9) "I want to see different places." diyen biri için hangi tatil türü ve neresi önerilebilir?
A) Cultural Holiday-Pacific Ocean B) Cruise Holiday-Efes C) Hiking Holiday-Mount Everest D) Cultural Holiday-Hagia Sophia E) Golf Holiday-Mini Golf Course
A) If you see a black cat, it will bring bad luck. B) If you play game for ten hours, you won't be healthy C) If you step on a crack, someone will hurt. D) If you catch a bride's flower, you won't marry.